Defend Truth

UberEats Credit


There are few people we appreciate as much as you, our Insiders, for all the support you give to Daily Maverick every month. To show that appreciation, Insiders who contribute R200 or more a month get great benefits like R200 back in Uber rides and Uber Eats vouchers.
And, from 1 May 2022, that benefit gets even sweeter. We’ve taken our partnership with Uber Eats to a new level with R10,000 worth of Uber Eats credit available to win every month.

As an active Maverick Insider, you will automatically be entered into a draw to win R10,000 in Uber Eats credit by meeting the following qualifying criteria:

  1. Be a member of Maverick Insider, contributing a minimum of R200 per month; and
  2. Use your Uber Eats Vouchers within the applicable calendar month.
    Each month, one eligible entry will be selected and awarded R10,000 in Uber Eats vouchers.

Terms and conditions are available here.

Well, luckily, Uber Eats has more to offer than your favourite tacos. Did you know you can buy grocery and household items too? With a host of merchants, convenience stores and restaurants available via the Uber Eats app, you can use your R100 voucher to have your bread and milk delivered without leaving the comfort of home. If you’re looking to share the love, you can easily send treats (or groceries) to your loved ones using the Uber Eats app.


Yep, that’s correct. Each month, one lucky Insider will win R10,000 in Uber Eats credit that is valid for one year. And you can use it on anything you find on the app. That includes cleaning products, personal goods and even toilet paper.


If you are an Insider contributing R200 per month (whose membership is not on hold), you will be receiving your monthly email with your Uber Eats codes.


1. Load the codes on your Uber Eats app:

  • Copy the code directly from the email;
  • Open the Uber-Eats App and select ‘Account’ from the menu;
  • Scroll down to Promotions;
  • Tap Add Promo Code;
  • Paste the code and tap ADD.

2. Use your Uber Eats vouchers within that month and you will automatically be entered into the monthly draw.

It really is that simple!

If you are not yet contributing R200 per month and would like to update your membership contribution to qualify for this competition, you can do so by:
  • Logging into the site at
  • This will show your User Portal;
  • Click ‘Manage Membership’ in the portal;
  • Click the button that says ‘Change Membership’;
  • Select the amount you were contributing and click ‘Sign Up’;
  • Follow the prompts and complete your membership renewal.

We appreciate that! Click the button below to go the Maverick Insider signup form.


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