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Sasha Planting answers 20 Questions

Business Maverick Senior Journalist, Sasha Planting, answers our questions.

Sasha Planting

Business Maverick Senior Journalist 

Tough one to narrow down, but Perfume by Patrick Suskind.

Hell both, but one day when I’m big I’d like a sea view from my home.

Joining Daily Maverick.

Death at a Funeral.

Scary thought, but maybe Vladimir Putin.

Chewing gum with your mouth open.

My veggie garden is pretty impressive at the moment.

My friend Steph in Jozi.

I’m coming for dinner.

Grandmothers – they have more wisdom, compassion and intellect than we give them credit for.

There is no shortage of choice, but I think Oscar Pistorius – for being a murderer, but also for letting us down.

Anything Asian.

Totally lost my temper (which hardly happens thankfully).

I worked in an Austrian guest-house where the father of my employer decided I was a sub-human. I have never, before or since, been treated with such contempt. I stuck it out and kept my dignity. It was a teeny tiny window into a treatment many fellow South Africans can relate to.

Probably regulation.

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

I wouldn’t – we have too many of them and we can sort out our own problems.

A replica 1968 E-Type Jaguar.

I have two left feet but still think I can dance.