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Rebecca Davis answers 21 Questions in 2021

Daily Maverick Senior Journalist, author and the host of Don’t Shoot The Messenger podcast, Rebecca Davis, answers 21 questions for Maverick Insider

Rebecca Davis

Senior Journalist, author and the host of Don’t Shoot The Messenger podcast

Probably the USA in the late 60s, because I like parting my hair down the middle, kaftans, drugs, and protesting illegitimate wars.

Professional firecracker Haji Mohamed Dawjee.

Kenny Rogers, “The Gambler”

A TV judge. Like Judge Judy, only judgier.

Our cat, Samuel L Catson, who is tremendously handsome and sleeps all day.

A PT Cruiser.

I once complimented someone on their hilarious fake nose. It wasn’t a fake nose.

My 14-month old son’s stuffed toy monkey, Monkey.

“Drive it like you stole it”

Friday Night Lights

I say summer, but by the end of it I’m crying hot tears for winter.

I suppose I should say the Covid-19 vaccine, but also sugar-free Fanta.