Defend Truth

Kathryn Kotze answers 20 Questions

Daily Maverick Sales Manager, Kathryn Kotze answers our questions.

Kathryn Kotze

Daily maverick sales manager

One Plus One – Jojo Moyes. It is by no means literary genius, but I read it at a time where its themes of forgiveness, compassion and courage gave me confidence during some of my toughest days as a single parent. 


The colour test screen while waiting for KTV to start on a Sunday morning. Although, their equivalent is likely the buffering circle.

This gig. Hands down.

I can’t say I have one. The only films I ever watch repeatedly are tug-on-your heart-strings blockbusters, and I am far too embarrassed to list them here. 

ALTHOUGH, seeing as I have the forum to write it: the mini-series, Patrick Melrose (available for streaming on Showmax), is absolute storytelling gold.

Incompetence. I regularly hear myself repeating (in my head) The Devil Wears Prada “The details of your incompetence do not interest me”

I can give my son detailed instructions using nothing but my eyes.

My phenomenal colleague, Crystal.

“Was in a meeting. Published now.”

My grandmothers. One was an architect, the other a historian/author. I grew up in a world where women were leaders, homemakers and breadwinners. It was only in my early 20s that I realised women were fighting an active and real battle for equality. My grandmothers lead by example.

I cannot think of any sincere answer, nor a humorous substitute.

A delightful lady residing in Newlands makes the best goddamn spag bol you will ever eat in your life. If you ever have the privilege of being invited to dinner at her house, always say yes. I can guarantee she is the best non-chef you will ever meet.

Revenge on someone hurting my child.

Not so much “worst job”, but I once worked for a violently unpleasant human being. There is no amount of money in the world that will make me repeat that mistake.

I can’t remember the exact wording of the quote and despite multiple internet searches, I have never been able to find it again. It went something along the lines of: 

If you wake up in Wyoming and decide you want to be in California, you have a variety of ways you can get there – you can fly, drive, walk – some modes of transport will get you there faster than others. But one thing is certain: if you turn to face the direction of California and keep moving, eventually you will arrive in California. 

In short, if you have a goal, work towards it. It doesn’t matter how slow your progress is, if you keep moving in the direction of your goal, you will eventually get there.

In my house, this has been shortened to “Heading in the direction of California”. We have also had the privilege of saying “I guess this is what California looks like” and days where we have noted “We moved away from California”

A new bonnet for my car. I need a picture to contextualise the importance of this.

Driving above mentioned car.