Defend Truth

Bernard Kotze answers 20 Questions

Creative Content Manager Bernard Kotze answers our questions.

Bernard Kotze


Kitchen Confidential by Anthony Bourdain. I read that book in my teenage years so many times the spine started coming apart. It made me want to be a chef until I realised that the pay and work hours were even worse than that of a musician.

Bush. Unless it’s a rugged, stormy beach with huge cliffs and rough seas. 

Getting to direct a film.

That’s a tough one. I can love something deeply about any film regardless of how flawed it may be in other areas.

Let’s put it this way: It’s a vast, complex tapestry of everything ranging from avant garde arthouse to bubblegum blockbusters.  

Ronald McDonald. I bet it’s pretty sinister up there.

Not being able to find earphones. I think they might go to the same bottomless abyss as my socks.  

Not so secret but I was a professional musician and composer for the better part of my 20’s.

My family group. To my 9 year old step son.

“Is that a cartoon poop diving into the water?! It looks happy:)”

The people who invented the internet.

The people that abuse the internet.

It might have to be spicy nachos and a waffle with soft serve. I am a man of simple tastes. 

Deviating from using Georgia as our main font. That or taking excessive creative liberties.   

A night security guard on a construction site.  

An epic, ‘Dragon Ball Z’-esque showdown between the awesomeness of the internet and the evilness of it. Like King Kong vs Godzilla. An awful, beautiful yin yang that destroys all in its wake before collapsing in on itself.  

Or Facebook.

“Failure is a prerequisite for great success. If you want to succeed faster, double your rate of failure.” – Brian Tracy

I had to google ‘quotes to live by’. This was in the top ten. I like it.

EVERYTHING! I would lose my mind and a significant portion of my life to it.

There is just too much fun to be had with a 3D printer. 

A major career shift in my early 30’s. No one seems to have caught on just yet.