Defend Truth


The twisted Russian logic of terrorism amounts to unprovoked attacks with no military significance


Liubov Abravitova is the Ambassador of Ukraine to South Africa.

That the ​​Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe has declared the Russian regime a terrorist state should come as no surprise. The country is carrying out unprovoked terror attacks that have no military significance in Ukraine.

Lately, we’ve seen a lot of progress being made: the Russian regime was recognised as a terrorist state by the parliaments of Lithuania,Latvia, Estonia, Poland and the Czech Republic. The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (Pace) adopted a resolution declaring the Russian regime a terrorist state. We rarely see such unity: out of 100 Pace deputies, 99 voted in favour and one abstained. Not a soul voted against. 

But realistically, how can one see the levelling of our cities, mass killings of Ukrainians, the torture, rape, mass kidnappings of Ukrainian children, forced deportations, filtration camps and now the large-scale missile and drone attacks on key civilian energy infrastructure as anything else but terrorist attacks?

All of the above are terrorists methods. They carry absolutely no military significance and should be recognised as such by all of the international community.

We have all been witness to Russia’s terrorist atrocities for almost nine months now. Tens of thousands of its war crimes have been on display and meticulously documented. But even with the whole world watching, Vladimir Putin’s terrorist regime keeps threatening the world with hunger and nuclear war, while lengthening the list of its terrorist attacks on Ukrainians.

Let’s talk about the latest examples of their terrorist behaviour. 

Attack on Ukraine infrastructure 

On the morning of 10 October, Russia began its massive terrorist attack on crucial infrastructure in Ukraine. Russian terrorists started their fight against our electricity, heat and water so they would reach their goal by the time winter comes.

On that October day, Russia launched 84 cruise missiles and deployed 24 drones to destroy all of our vital infrastructure.

Putin and his army of terrorists have lost everything they could lose on a battlefield lately. Moreover, their often flying army became one of our largest suppliers of weaponry.

It’s hard to even compare their pathetic attempts to face our army with something in history. It’s rather unique how deranged, misguided and miscalculated its war is. It’s not a war with our armed forces, it is a genocidal terrorist attack on civilians. Russians have mastered torture and mass killings, raping civilians on temporary occupied territories and launching missiles and drones to kill those out of their physical reach. 

Why do Russian terrorists target our energy system? Because in their twisted minds, it is the only way to get us to negotiate on their terms — meaning, accept their deranged fake referendums and leave our people to be beaten, raped and killed by them. 

In the past 10 days — on 11 and 15 November — Russians terrorists fired 150 missiles and 26 Iranian drones at our infrastructure, severely damaging already impaired energy system and killing a lot of our citizens. 

 Our military is our saving grace. Ukrainian armed forces have shut down most of the missiles and drones, even the minimal number that managed to reach their targets have done excessive and, at times, irreplaceable damage to our infrastructure. 

Increasing level of calls for genocide 

I just want to take a few moments to explain how Russia came to be a terrorist state with full support of its citizens — propaganda. Russian state TV propaganda has fed their citizens lies for decades. One latest diabolical example of Russian genocidal fascist propaganda is statements made by Anton Krasovsky, the top presenter on Russian state-controlled television, RT.

 At the end of October, RT showed Krasovsky calling for the burning and drowning of Ukrainian children. He said: “Just drown Ukrainian children, drown them.” He later added that if Ukrainian children couldn’t be drowned, they should be shoved into huts and burnt.

This wasn’t the first or the last time Krasovsky said such vile things. It was not a live show; it was a show edited and aired days after its shooting. Russian claims of it being a case of “momentary insanity” are laughable and pathetic. For example, on October 10, when Russian terrorists were performing massive missile attacks on our civilian infrastructure, Krasovsky posted a video showing him happily dancing and celebrating the killing of Ukrainians. 

Don’t be surprised. I’ve written here about his boss, RT’s editor-in-chief and Kremlin’s mouthpiece, Margarita Simonyan, who has said much worse things on numerous occasions. She’s the one always calling for nuclear attacks on Ukraine, making statements that not enough people are suffering and calling for all of the critical infrastructure to be destroyed. She’s the one advocating and praying for famine around the world so Russia would win. 

And these are just two examples of literally thousands spewing hate, and inciting genocide on Russian state TV.

Tip of the iceberg

The latest terrorist act by Putin’s regime was just simply horrifying. 

Russian private military group Wagner, founded by one of the closest Putin allies Yevgeny Prigozhin, has proudly talked about his employees brutally executing one of their own on camera, filming it and making the execution public to intimidate soldiers. 

The Russian mercenary, who was filmed being executed by a sledgehammer blow to the head, was called a traitor because it was thought he had “changed sides in the war”. 

The execution tape appeared on the Grey Zone Telegram channel linked to the Wagner group. The execution was posted under the title, “The hammer of revenge”.

When asked to give commentary on the matter, Putin’s top ally said that the video should be called: “A dog receives a dog’s death”. Prigozhyn said that the man had betrayed his people, betrayed his own, that he was a traitor. 

All I can say is when you are a terrorist, you really don’t consider execution of a human being with a hammer as something extraordinary. Just a normal day for Russian terrorists. 

We all know it’s just the tip of the iceberg. Week after week, I’ve written about Russian inhuman and brutal attacks on civilians, the multiple torture chambers, executions and mass graves of our people. These unprovoked terror attacks won’t be forgiven or forgotten. 

I want to show you the photograph taken by Eddy van Wessle recently in the Ukrainian city of Bakhmut. Bakhmut is now being heavily shelled by Russian terrorists. The elderly Ukrainian couple lost their home and were heavily wounded, trying to comfort each other while getting medical care. DM

(Photo: Eddy van Wessle)


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  • Dennis Bailey says:

    Too awful to even imagine the horrors of Russia’s attack on Ukraine. Is there any chance you could be more outspoken about SAfrica’s so-called neutrality? Or has SA all credibility as a defender of human rights in the echelons of power?

  • John Laurence Laurence says:

    And the ANC loves this terrorist state. What a bunch of wankers.

  • nickha says:

    What goes around comes around. Ukrainian allies must continue support. Russia is inits own way a failed state. May the South African government shake off the shackles and blindfolds and realise who they are in bed with: evil personified.

  • dwakerley147 says:

    Appalling, as is the craven response of the SA government, hiding behind a feeble pretence of promoting reconciliation. For reconciliation there must be willingness on both sides. In Syria, Georgia, the Crimea and now the Ukraine, Putin has made it clear that he is willing to do only one thing, destroy, destroy, destroy. Negotiation, if it is used at all, is simply another tool of manipulation with the certainty that Russia will break its promises as soon as it is convenient.
    If the war crimes exposed in this article are not enough to show the leaders who shame South Africa that Russia is a terrorist state, what will be? A nuclear first strike?

  • Beyond Fedup says:

    I hope that all the horror, killing, destruction and violence unleashed by the evil, murderous, monstrous and diabolical Putin thug and his criminal Kremlin gang are visited 10 times over on Russia. It is so easy for them to continue this genocidal war when they are safe and untouchable in their own putrid country. They need to suffer and burn in hell forever more 🔥🔥. They are despicable, inhuman and cowardly beyond belief. What they can’t achieve on the battlefield, they take it out on innocent civilians. All because of one vile madman’s false, brittle and pathetic overblown ego and pride, and misplaced belief of Russia’s place in the world. Anything they ever did, and it isn’t much in terms of serving and enriching humanity, was done by murder, terror, violence ie executed and kept in power by the barrel of the gun. One of the most despicable, evil and mass- murdering tyrants in history ie Stalin, is alive and well in Putin. God save and bless Ukraine 🇺🇦 🙏🙏

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