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22 Questions with Tinashe Munyuki

Get to know Maverick Insider retention manager Tinashe Munyuki in 22 questions this week. 

Perhaps not a habit, but I’ve very limited patience.

Playing Sudoku, sometimes.

Namibia, then Vic Falls. Then to many African countries.

Kenyan Supreme Court ruling on the presidential elections

Waking up early in the morning.

Not sure if buying AVENG shares counts? But haven’t spent enough to have regrets.

Not sure about a purchase, but I built my mom a house. That counts, right?

Not sure yet. I’ll have to know everything about that person to determine if I can handle being that person.

Umm there are a few. But there is Freema Agyeman.

Falling Free by Eivør Pálsdóttir. What a masterpiece!

Being broke, I think.

Being stuck in an elevator is already more than I can handle.

What question would you exclude in 22 questions?

Screenshot 2022-09-07 at 10.08.07

Tinashe Munyuki

Maverick insider retention manager