Defend Truth

22 Questions with Quincy-Jones Tsatsi

Get to know DM168 designer meet Quincy Jones Tsatsi in 22 questions below:

I’m a smoker, and when the need to have a puff, the whole world has to stop.

I recently started practicing Yoga. So the first thing I’ve been doing in the morning lately is launching the Pocket Yoga app on my laptop for 30 minutes of stretching, meditation and prayer.

A couple of years ago I did New York which was a lifelong dream and almost like a pilgrimage for me. Berlin in Germany is in my top five of places to visit but Santiago in Chile is next on the list.

I just read a fashion piece in the New York Times that skinny jeans are no longer in fashion and that “baggy loose-fitting clothes are now back in vogue. The frivolity of it all fascinates me.

I wish I enjoyed math more, I can’t count to save my life.

“Fear and Loathing In Jozi”

I’m an impulsive person, prone to extravagant and unplanned spending. But I can’t think of a single thing that I regret spending money on.

Atticus Finch from To Kill a Mocking Bird, I’ve read a million books after that but I guess encountering that character at the age of 16 left an indelible impression in the development of my sense of right and wrong and my moral compass and code.

I guess it would have to be my laptop and my mobile phone. They grant me access to the world of work, an infinite amount of information and entertainment that is available on the worldwide web.

It would have to be Donald Trump. I was like everybody else who never saw a Trump presidency happening and considered the whole campaign a joke. But he clearly knew something the experts and the rest of us didn’t. I think there’s a lot to learn from his self-assuredness.

Hip Hop is my staple diet but I’ve have been listening to an insane amount Amapiano music

It was to visit the birthplace of Hip Hop music (The Bronx in New York) and I did manage to get it.

There are many, Trevor Noah but Dave Chappelle is definitely one my all time favourites.

Quintessential; perhaps because it sounds a lot like my name.

Saffer the word used to describe South Africans. It sounds a lot like the “K” word

Waking up in my coffin…

I would hate to be stuck in an elevator period…


DM168 designer