Defend Truth

20 Questions with Jocelyn Adamson

Get a sneak peek into the life of Daily Maverick’s DM168 Senior Designer as she answers 20 questions for Maverick Insiders

I have lots. I’m quite possessive and I don’t even like having to share my food (I do share it because courtesy sometimes demands it). But if I had to narrow it down it would be my locket with my babies’ faces in it and my engagement ring.

A hug from my wife. She gives the best hugs ever. Also good music like Green Day, Pretty Yende and Indigo Girls.

I don’t want to grow up. I think I have made quite a success of not being grown-up. 

Definitely a night person. It’s so hard to get up in the mornings that it’s a good thing that I have children and a 9 o’clock meeting (which I miraculously manage to make most mornings).

Advice from my father. Don’t spend money you don’t have. Besides a mortgage and a car loan, don’t have accounts or credit cards.

I broke a bone in my foot chasing a chicken. Stupid creature looked ill and I was trying catch her to see what was up and she suddenly found a wealth of energy. I took a sudden step to the right and snapped a bone in my foot. The chicken died of whatever illness she had.

I’m in a bit of a reading slump so I don’t read much beyond DM168 at the moment. However, I read Women Talking by Canadian writer Miriam Toews recently and the whole situation blew my mind. It has bothered me ever since. Well worth reading and I can’t wait to see the movie.

All of them. I love learning new skills and I find one leads into another. I like drawing so I thought I’d learn to make my own drawing book, then I thought I’d like to make my own paper to bind into books. Not sure what comes next but there will be something.

Unfortunately, I have a tendency to say most things out loud. I seem to have a filter missing, and many bruises on my shins from my wife.

I really thought that after school everything would change and I could do what I liked. But no, it turns out that it’s just a never-ending hamster wheel. 

Being honest and honourable. Choose to do the right thing. 

Less anger. And stop hooting the moment the light turns green. With load shedding people don’t even stop any more, so it’s in everybody’s interest to take a moment to check that cars are actually stopping before crossing. Right?

Immediate charges against everybody implicated in the Zondo report.

Create a massive public works programme which gets people back to work with on-the-job training in filling potholes, clearing garbage, repairing infrastructure, building public amenities, etc. 

Contracting currently successful youth programmes to expand to train and equip a much greater portion of the unemployed youth.

I have a really long list but these are at the top.

Extraordinary attorney Woo is still up there with my favourites. I’m really enjoying Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story with my family. FUBAR was entertaining and it was nice to see Arnie back in action. In general, I love the access to different cultures and languages that Netflix affords us.

Pig heart. I reckoned that if pigs’ heart valves could be put into human hearts then it was like eating human heart.

Watching my 16-year-old pretending to be mad King George and howling at Venus.

Making jokes that my teenagers appreciate.


Jocelyn Adamson

DM168 Senior Designer