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20 Questions with Emilie Gambade

20 Questions with Emilie Gambade

Get a sneak peek into the life of Daily Maverick’s Maverick Life editor as she answers 20 questions for Maverick Insiders

A small box with my most treasured personal items in it.

Depends on the occasion.

Roller skating (I should be taking lessons).

There are two: Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin, which brilliantly intertwines love, friendship, loss and video games (this really is a poor description of an epic novel), and The Most Secret Memory of Men by Mohamed Mbougar Sarr – a masterpiece – the quest of a young author to find what happened to a disgraced writer. It is a complex and poetic book about love and ache for literature, the tragedy of colonialism and so much more. You will get lost in both and won’t put them down. 

Learning languages very fast.

Consumerism and capitalism. 

Getting older is actually great, and menopause.

Try to outperform each other. 

Invest much (MUCH) more in arts and culture. We have a goldmine of talents across the arts that neither AI nor load shedding will ever be able to knock down. I would turn artists and storytellers into ambassadors, sponsor theatre plays, films and music concerts, give free access to young South Africans to all art events around the country. I would invite singers, dancers and poets to reimagine our economy, rethink our cities, reinvent our load-shedded nights. 

The 2018 documentary film Free Solo by Jimmy Chin and Elizabeth Chai Vasarhelyi. It follows rock climber Alex Honnold as he attempts the first free solo climb of El Capitan at Yosemite National Park in the US. It is so beautifully mad, so inspiring, it will keep you glued to your seat. You didn’t ask me about a song recommendation but I will give it to you anyway: Flowers by Miley Cyrus. You’re welcome .

An apple worm. To be fair, we were both eating the fruit. My mouth was just bigger than his. 

A cat video my sister sent me. And my husband.

I can bend two fingers backwards.


Emilie Gambade

Maverick Life Editor