Defend Truth

Maverick Insider Corporate Membership

An easy way for business to be part of the solution

Take out membership plans for your employees and reward them with a unique community experience that supports our mission to Defend Truth and the protection of our democracy.

Maverick Insider is the membership platform of Daily Maverick. We created this community to allow members to get a closer look at how we do things and to engage with our team. ‘Insiders’ receive a host of benefits – the first and most important – their membership ensures that Daily Maverick’s crucial investigations and news remains free to all those who read it – even those who could never afford to pay. It’s our alternative to a paywall.

As members, they’ll also receive:

  • Invitations to our events
  • Complimentary or discounted tickets
  • a ‘behind-the-scenes’ bi-weekly newsletter,
  • ad-free browsing (the business class of online browsing),
  • the ability to comment on our articles, and
  • for those who contribute R150 or more per month, R100 back in Uber vouchers every month.

As an added bonus, any company that signs up 30 or more of their employees to Maverick Insider will receive the extra benefits of:

  • A Daily Maverick produced in-house event where journalists and analysts come to the member’s premises and talk about the latest goings-on in South African politics and business, and
  • Free advertising on our site/newsletters to the value of R35,000

Interested parties can email [email protected] for more info.