Defend Truth

Kassie Naidoo answers 20 questions

Daily Maverick 168 Art Director,  Kassie Naidoo, answers our questions.

Photo: Andile Phewa / Lampost

Kassie Naidoo

Daily Maverick 168 Art Director

The Little Prince

Google doesn’t have all the answers.

Speaking at Design Indaba.

Darjeeling Express for visual aesthetics.
Inception for screenplay and visual effects.

Arrogantly stupid but the Afrikaans word for it is a better description

I can create a dish from any 3 ingredients you give me.

A really good friend.

Love you too babe (heart).

I don’t quite have heroes or villains but these could represent minds I admire and don’t. – Jiddu Krishnamurti.

Everyone’s favourite, Donald Trump.

A meal made by Massimo Bottura.

Hmmm…I’m of the non-violent sort having grown up with Satyagraha so will have to think about that one.

Working in the shoe department of a major department store during my summer holidays. It was mayhem during the festival season rush, in the days when service meant running up and down the ladder to find and bring them their correct size, get them a seat and fit the shoe whilst other customers are swarming around you.

Increasing state control and scrutiny of citizens’ digital lives.

Life’s too short not to eat dessert first.

Not anything significant…yet.