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Fiona Scott-Berning answers 21 Questions

Daily Maverick Marketing Ninja, Fiona Scott-Berning, answers 21 questions for Maverick Insider

Fiona Scott-Berning

Marketing Ninja

Alexandria in Egypt during the reign of Ptolemy II Philadelphus so that I could see the Great Library of Alexandria.

The entire Maverick Insider team.

The ‘How many bags can I carry up 4 flights of stairs’ game. Followed, very closely, by Scrabble.

Yuval Harari, Sandi Toksvig, Malcolm Gladwell, Trevor Noah and Bridget Lew.

Impossible question!

I grew up with a pet wolf named, wait for it, Jack of the Berea who I completely and utterly adored, so definitely a wolf.

Hugs, travel and squeaking takkie on a dancefloor.

For my mom’s 60th my brother and I registered a Binary Star (which is a star system consisting of two stars orbiting around their common barycenter) in her name.

My little/tall brother.

I went through a very serious skater girl emo phase (think white skateboarding shoes, ripped jeans and black panda eyes to match) and used to skate up and down my cul-de-sac thinking I was the absolute bees knees. So every moment of that.

My Maverick Insider Zapiro print, my Sarah Pratt artwork, my jewelry box, all my picture frames, and my heirloom jackets – luckily I’ve had loads of practice carrying bags up & down stairs.

I have a terrible track record of not finishing series, because time, but the last series that I was properly addicted to and thus made all the time for was Downton Abbey.

Yinka Shonibare’s Wind Sculpture (SG) III (check it out here)

Computers without ports.