Op-Ed: Betrayal and recovering trust?

Seemingly never-ending evidence of corruption, state capture and a range of other forms of malgovernance and criminality have pummelled the South African public. Stepping back from the details of what has been done, how do we characterise what the ANC and its allies have done to the country and its constituency, referred to as the “poorest of the poor”? The article names this as betrayal and treachery. Those who colluded in the many crimes of this period need to “come clean” about their own responsibility and not hide under the claim that they did not know what was entailed or did not –actually – endorse Jacob Zuma or know that he had a propensity towards corruption. The public needs the truth, not only from those who ought to face criminal charges but those who have held public office and been complicit in what has been inflicted on the South African public. By RAYMOND SUTTNER.